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Global Hospitals, Parel Mumbai,details of the successful implementation of the

Largest and comprehensive Heart and Lung Transplant Program

To also facilitate interaction with successful transplant patients hailing from Mumbai

In the presence of

Dr. K Ravindranath

Founder & Chairman

Gleneagles Global Hospitals Group

Dr. Sandeep Attawar

Director and Chair of Heart and Lung Transplant Program,

Gleneagles Global Hospitals

(He has performed over 10,000 open and closed heart surgical procedures, all of which are diverse in both the complexity of the defect and the age of the patient. Over the last 18 years includes over 5500 multivessel CABG’s. Approx. 85 heart transplant and 151 lung transplants)

Dr. Vivek Talaulikar

Chief Executive Officer

Global Hospitals


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