Veteran performers Ashutosh Rana and Makarand Deshpande will be seen sharing screen space and engaged in major face off in an upcoming social drama Chicken Curry Law. The film throws light on severe social problems around women’s safety and depicts the foreigner’s tryst with the law in India. Makrand and Ashutosh are all set to enthral the audience with their acting chops as two lethal lawyers pitted against each other. Both the actors will be seen playing advocates and one will get to witness some tantilizing court room drama.
On working with Makarand Deshpande, Ashutosh Rana said, "Makarand Deshpande is one of the finest actors there is in the industry. I was lucky to work with some of the best actor like- Nivedita Bhattacharya, Zakir Hussain and Makarand, ofcourse. Its always a pleasure to have powerful actors as co-stars, you are always challenged and you end up pushing yourself to deliver better. It gets more nuanced and you end up improvising continually. Makrand is one of our finest and it was an excellent experience working with him”.
Makarand Deshpande added, “Ashutosh is a fine actor and he has a very unique style. I feel we have complimented each other in our scenes together. Court scenes are drama intensive and dialogue heavy so if you co- actors are strong it becomes a fulfilling experience. I think the court scenes are the highlight of this film not just interms of how the actors have performed, it really digs into a lot of social problems which we cannot ignore”.
Shekhar Sirrin’s directorial debut, Chicken curry law is being released by Panorama Studios, all over India on 9th August.Aushosh Rana and Makrand Despande play lead roles.
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