the brilliant Telegu artist who has previously worked with director Ram Gopal Verma will be seen making his directorial debut with a crime-based thriller ‘The Wild Cards’. Kk Binojee has worked in many Telegu films as an assistant director under Ram Gopal Verma's telugu directorial. Binojee gained fame as a script writer for the telugu movie named Ice Cream and then, in its sequel. Kk Binojee’s ‘The Wild Cards’ movie showcases the harsh reality of the people living in the slums.
The movie portraits the cruel truth of crime happening in the slums. It depicts how the young generation are driven forcefully into the world of crime making them ruthless criminals. The movie takes us through the trip of few such criminals who are molded in such a way by the society they grew up in. Basically, a journey from selflessness to selfishness.
“My years of experience working with sir Ram Gopal Verma has delivered me this golden opportunity of making my directorial debut. Today whatever I have learnt, achieved is an outcome of the experience working with Ram Gopal Verma. There's no person in Hyderabad who is not influenced by him, he's like a god to us. 'The Wild Cards' is a wonderful film, the content is strong and beautiful with complete raw content and I’m very positive that the audience will appreciate my effort." Quoted director Kk Binojee.
This movie cast actors of the NSD and Theatre Artist like Sushil Pandey, Akkash Basnet, Vikram Singh Sodha, Ashish Warang, Nakul Tomar, Meenakshi Pandey, Maya Gehlot and other extremely talented theatre artist.
‘The Wild Cards’ is written and directed by KK Binojee and is produced by Munaf Baluch and Sanjog Singh of Sara Film Factory.
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