29th July 2019 , Mumbai : Sanoj Mishra directed murder mystery film Lafange Nawaab music has been launched in, Mumbai in the presence of cast and crew of the film. The leads Robin Sohi, Ritam Bhardwaj, Larissa Chakz, were present at the event. The director of the film, Sanoj Mishra along with producer Arpit Awasthi, Mahi Anand graced the event. The singer Shahid Malya made the event delightful with their presence. The music of the movie is released by Zee music company.
Lafange Nawaab is a murder mystery which depicts the father-son’s relationship and the truth of fake friendship.
The story revolves around Yug and his father. Yug has a musical band with his 4-5 friends and they do small gigs which his father never liked and wanted his son to join him in his business. To teach Yug a lesson, his father plans a fake murder of Ammie who lives at their house and impose Yug to help. In the process of faking the murder, Ammie got killed in real.
Who has murdered Ammie? The story is a mystery which will be revealed only after the film release.
Producer of the film Mahi Anand said, " Lafange Nawaab, the viewers will get the complete dose of suspense, thrill and mystery. Movie is musical suspense drama We have three amazing songs which are composed by Ali Faishal and sung by Palak Muchhal, Ali Faishal, Shahid Maliya, Shivang Mathur and Altmash Faridi."
On the music launch party of "Lafange Nawab" director of the film Sanoj Mishra shared "The story of the film is very captivating and interesting. And music of the film is it's strength. Film has been made with lots of passion and hard work. Hope people will love it when it will release."
Under The banner of Gulshan Anand Films Lafange Nawaab is a suspense drama film shot at Lucknow and Mumbai beautiful location. Robin Sohi, Ritam Bhardwaj Larisa Chakza, Ratan Ratour, Manoj Bakshi and Nisha Shrivastav will be seen in the lead roles in the film. The movie is all set to hit cinema on 23rd August 2019.
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