Bollywood has seen many newcomers whose aspirations and determination to achieve success has turned out as an inspiration. One such actor Suhel Ali Khan who started his career by making music debut is now all set to venture the land of Bollywood.
Suhel Ali Khan made his music debut with Yuvraaj Parashar's 'Sajda' along with the actress Tetiana Kharkevych and Yuvraaj himself. After the success of his first music video the actor was again signed by Yuvraaj for his next patriotic music single 'Mehroo'. 'Mehroo' was a tribute for all those brave hearted uniformed officers who lost their lives in Pulwama attack. This music video garnered immense popularity and was praised by celebrities like Kailash Kher, Bidita Bag, Mona Ambegaonkar, Abhijeet Sawant and many more.
"I'm very thankful to Yuvraaj for trusting and choosing me as an actor in his music singles. I always wanted to be an actor and when I got this opportunity, I gave it my all. It was a great experience while working with him and I'm looking forward to work with him in future" says Suhel Ali Khan.
Currently, the actor has been offered many web series and will soon be seen doing movies in future.
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