Sony SAB’s magical fantasy show, Aladdin: Naam Toh Suna Hoga has hooked the viewers with a series of exciting events post the season refresh. Aladdin: Naam Toh Suna Hoga has successfully managed to create a special place in people’s heart in recent times with an all new story line. In the coming weeks, the show will undergo yet another exciting twist as Aladdin will be seen doing something he’s been waiting for! But, the question is, will he be successful in it?
Ali aka Aladdin has decided to lend a helping hand to Zafar (Aamir Dalvi) who is under grave debts. Ali who offers Zafar 100 hand carts of gold by making Zafar mortgage his palace first, convinces him to send Gulbadan to collect the gold. Ginoo doubts Ali’s intentions and warns Zafar. But Zafar, blinded by his greed, agrees to risk losing his palace in return. On the other hand, while Genie of the Ring hands over the gold to Gulbadan, in a shocking turn of events, a sudden sand storm makes the carts of gold disappear!
Gulbadan informs Zafar about the incident where they no longer have the gold, Zafar is furious but at the same time scared since he has pawned off his palace for the gold.
Will Ali take over Zafar’s palace or will Zafar manage to brew another scheme to save his palace and destroy Ali?
Aamir Dalvi, portraying the character of Zafar said, “Zafar is in great trouble and his greed might get the best of him. While he is efficient in scheming his way out of situations, the upcoming events could just spell his downfall. I want to take this moment to thank all our viewers for watching our show and it is a great feeling to receive such immense love and support from them.”
Siddharth Nigam, portraying the character of Aladdin said, “The tables have turned and Ali is set to take his revenge one step at a time. It has been really interesting to shoot the upcoming episodes. The storyline is thrilling and equally fun to shoot. Our viewers should stay tuned for the upcoming episodes as they are in for some exciting and shocking turn of events.”
Witness such shocking turn of events in Aladdin: Naam Toh Suna Hoga every Monday to Friday at 9 pm only on Sony SAB
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