Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar was on top of the Score Trends India popularity charts for the entire month of August 2019. Post the success of Mission Mangal this Khiladi Kumar continues to be on a high. These statistics are authenticated and researched by the US-based media tech Score Trends India.
According to the statistics, Akshay was on the first position with 100 points for the first four weeks till August 28 on Digital news (Social platforms and websites), Viral News and Newsprints. Post August 29 there was a slight decline in his ranking, taking him to the third position.
In an overall statistics Akshay has ruled the month of August 2019 keeping the likes of Salman, Shah Rukh, Ranveer and Varun behind.
“What worked in Akshay's favour is his soaring popularity on digital platforms and news portals .The release of Mission Mangal not only set the box office on fire it also garnered maximum eyeballs for Kumar all over the social platforms and viral news", revealed Ashwani Kaul, co-founder of Score Trends India
Kaul further elaborated ,“We collect data from over 600 news sources across 14 languages in India to analyse the media. These include Facebook, Twitter, print publications, viral news on social media, broadcast and digital platforms".
"Various sophisticated algorithms then help us to process this massive amount of data and arrive at the scores and rankings of celebrities,” conclude Kaul.
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