Jackky Bhagnani’s Navratri special number Choodiyan has even got the masters grooving to its beat. The latest to match his step to this festive tune is none other than the ace choreographer Ganesh Acharya. Bollywood's top choreographer shared a video of his with his troupe dancing to Choodiyan. Jackky Bhagnani, who is seen performing in this song along with dance sensation Dytto, shared that Ganesh Acharya has been his inspiration and watching him perform to Choodiyan was an extremely special moment for the actor. Ganesh Acharya has been known to choreograph some of the most popular Bollywood songs and has carved a special niche for himself in Indian films.
Here is the link: https://www.instagram.com/p/B23RIsEFSmz/
Jackky Bhagnani wrote, “Truly happy. My childhood star Ganesh Acharya dancing on Choodiyan! I've grown up watching him dance, aspired to dance like him, and someone I have always looked up to and respected. Thank you so much master ji. This means a lot!”
Crooned by Dev Negi and choreographed by Mudassar Khan, Choodiyan has been shot across picturesque locales in London. Jjust Music has
established itself as one of the most promising and bankable music labels with popular songs like Prada with Alia Bhatt and Takda Ravan with Vishal Mishra, which received much acclaim.
If you haven’t heard Choodiyan yet, tune in now – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMbiF6HifHQ
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