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Producer-Director Kumar Raj makes Bollywood proud worldwide.

Producer-Director Kumar Raj makes Bollywood proud worldwide.

Kumar Raj’s feature film  ‘Tara..The Journey  of Love and Passion’ has been winning awards worldwide for quite sometime now  & he is currently on cloud nine for winning back to back nominations and awards for the same.

Kumar Raj  ,who has Produced  & Directed the award winning feature film Tara is very happy about the appreaciations & awards this month received in France ,  USA, Italy & in India . 
Kumar Raj said that his film Tara is in Reykjavik Visions Film Festival 2019 in Reykjavik city, Iceland this month & in their web site they have mentioned that  Kumar Raj’s film making style is similar to the great film maker Satyajit Ray,  which is a biggest compliment received . 

In the past Kumar Raj has  made film projects like Manthan Ek Kashmakash , Bhiva ,Jaidad , Come December etc.

Tara film has been selected in Ten film fesivals in the month of Nov & Dec 2019 as follows  :-
Global Entertainment Market Film Festival 2019, LA, USA.  
World film fair 2019, Los Angeles, USA.  
Global Taj International Film Festival 2019, Agra.
Atlanta Award - Qualifying film festival 2019, New York, USA.  
Rome film awards 2019, Rome, Italy.  
Festival International du Cannes Film de Cannes 2019, Cannes, France.  
Reykjavik Visions Film Festival 2019, Reykjavik, Iceland .
India International Film Festival ( IIFF ) 2019 , Goa 
Alwar international film festival , Alwar .
Ayodhya film festival 2019. Ayodhya .

The film Tara is produced and directed by Kumar Raj under the banner of Kumar Raj Productions. Film has been officially selected in 268  film festivals  and has won 166 international awards worldwide & lead actress Rekha Rana has won 38 awards as best actress for Tara film worldwide .


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