Actor Shashi Prakash Chopra who began his career at the age of 60 is in no hurry to pull the brakes or even slow down. He is a personality we all could learn from even at the age of 64 today, he manages both his export business as well as his passion for acting.
“My passion for acting is not something I developed over the years, it has been there ever since I began thinking what I wanted to do but due to financial pressure I had to put my passion on the back seat.” Explained Shashi P Chopra when asked about how he began his career in the later stage of life.
Shashi Prakash Chopra on daily basis juggles between managing his export business, reading scripts and meeting new talent and providing a platform to the youth.
“I too was at a stage in life wherein I wanted to work but I did not have the backing nor a platform to showcase my talent, so I am trying by best to meet as many people possible and listen to their story and help them in whatever way possible.” said Chopra ji who recently acted and produced a web series called ‘SuitBoy’ which is based on an invisible SuperHero.
When asked Dushyant Kapoor about how Shashi was instrumental is shaping his career he said, “ Shashi Prakash Chopra is the only great man you can meet. I remember the day when I met him to pitch “Suitboy” and after the narration he just asked me when are we going to shoot… the moment he said “we” I got tears in my eyes that there is someone who can really understand the superhero idea. He is a very generous man and funny guy on the set. He keeps sharing his idea what can make a scene better.”
“I want to keep working till I can, I don’t think there is anything that can stop me from doing so. Bachchan Saab is 77 and he continues to work, his every film just keeps getting better and better. I think there is so much this younger generation can learn from him and his attitude towards his work”
Shashi Chopra is currently gearing up for his next release ‘SuitBoy’ which will be out in the start of the January, following this would be his another web series which is based on Live-In- Relationship.
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